Connecting and synchronising with new energies … all will suddenly change around us …. … written by the renowned romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Connecting and synchronising with new energies … all will suddenly change around us …. … written by the renowned romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Over the years …. I saw that people around myself … changed all the time … and i could not understand the nonsense of all of that.

From one year to another … maybe 50% of the people around myself were replaced by other people …. and that was happening on and on and on.

It was indeed a non ending story, having clear karmic attributes … but still … i could not realise the meaning.

But … you see … the passing of time … made all look to me like a charade.

It was like the Universe was laughing of me.

I defined all as a nonsense … and could not find any explanation …

But one day … meditating … understanding that my thoughts change all the time … I’ve understood that i actually non stop change the energies i am connected with.

Monday i was seeing the world into a way … but on Friday … i had totally different perceptions.

And i was balancing like that … all the time … but into the same time i could not make the connection with what was going on into my life.

I could not realise … or maybe accept that all those people were … my reflections.

And … damn it .. it was so, so annoying seeing all those people coming and going into my life.

I almost hated it … seeing that there is nothing i could do to change anything at all.

Time was passing…

I somehow felt the connection between my emotional balance and all those people from the stage of my life … but i hated that i could not change anything at all.

… or maybe i was pretending i could not change anything at all … which was really ridiculous.

But … you see … i could not accept that i was such an idiot … not feeling that those people that i had to do with … were actually related with the energies i’ve been anchored in … while having the emotional balance.

Most probably … all i had to do was to be aware of all these spectrum of entities… read them … so that into the end I understand that i was … or i was not on the right path to follow.

The ugly souls … were the representation of ugly energies which i was accepting for my soul … not being aware of the impact on my life.

And … of course … beautiful vibes were related with the good side from this universe.

Unfortunately…. I could not get rid of the emotional balance.

I even name it … the dance of my emotions…. not being aware of all the influences came from this direction.

And … truth be told … i could not stop balancing … between contradictory vibes … considering it almost normal.

So … people were coming and going into my life … and all was related with the spectrum of accessed energies … but again all i could say was that i could not accept the theory.

So … the charade continued … and had moments when i was aware of all and moments when i’ve ignored the connection between the energies i’ve been connected with … and the people from the stage of my life.

Download the book ”Connection is about … syncronising energies — philosophical essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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